HOPE职业补助金, formerly known as the Strategic Industries Workforce Development Grant (SIWDG), is available to HOPE Grant-qualified students who enroll in select majors (Diplomas and Certificates) specifically aligned with industries in which there are more jobs available in Georgia than there are skilled workers to fill them. These industries have been identified as strategically important to the state’s economic growth. 请参阅下面的这些程序列表.
- 动画短片制作-学分技术证书
- 商业科技-文凭
- c#程序员-技术信用证书
- c++程序员-技术信用证书
- 计算机程序设计-文凭
- 计算机支持专家-文凭
- Design and Media Production Specialist - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 设计和媒体制作技术-文凭
- 服务台专家-技术信用证书
- iOS Application Development in Swift - Technical Certificate of Credit
- iOS移动编程-信用技术证书
- Java程序员-技术信用证书
- 初级Web开发人员-信用技术证书
- 思科网络专家-信用技术证书
- 运动图形助理-技术信用证书
- 网络专家-文凭
- PC Repair and Network Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician - Advanced - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 计算机断层扫描专家-信用技术证书
- 牙科助理-文凭
- 卫生保健助理-技术学分证书
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Specialist - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 医疗助理-文凭
- 医学编码-学分技术证书
- Medical Office Support Specialist - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 护士助理-技术学分证书
- 药学技术-文凭
- 药学技术-学分技术证书
- 实用护理-技术学分证书
- 高级管道焊接-信用技术证书
- Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welder - Technical Certificate of Credit
- Air Conditioning Electrical Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- Air Conditioning Technician Assistant - Technical Certifcate of Credit
- Automotive Chassis Technician Specialist - Technical Certificate of Credit
- Automotive Climate Control Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- Automotive Engine Performance Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- Automotive Engine Repair Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- Automotive Light Duty Diesel Engine Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 汽车技术-文凭
- Automotive Transmission/Transaxle Tech Specialist - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 航空 Maintenance Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 航空 Maintenance Technician - Airframe - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 航空 Maintenance Technician - Powerplant - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 航空维修技术-文凭
- 空调技术-文凭
- 建筑和工程制图技术-文凭
- Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welder - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 世界杯app软件推荐建筑工人-技术信用证书
- 化学分析技术员-技术信用证书
- Chemical Engineering Technology - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 商业布线-信用技术证书
- Computer Engineering Technology - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 双录取 Manufacturing Production Assistant - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 电气控制系统-文凭
- Electrical Engineering Technology Fundamentals - Technical Certificate of Credit
- Electronics Engineering Technology - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 工程技术基础-技术学分证书
- 气体金属弧焊-技术信用证书
- Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Repair Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 工业建筑一级-技术信用证书
- 工业机械系统-文凭
- Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technician I - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 机电一体化技术-文凭
- NCCER Basic Electrical Systems Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- NCCER电气系统建设和维护-文凭
- 核科学技术-技术信用证书
- Photovoltaic Systems Installation and Repair Technician - Technical Certificate of Credit
- 住宅布线技术员-技术信用证书
- 科学技术-技术信用证书
- 焊接与连接技术-大专学历
所有HOPE项目都要求学生满足基本要求. 符合资格的学生必须:
- 遇见希望的你.S. 公民身份或符合条件的非公民要求;
- 是格鲁吉亚的合法居民;
- 符合入学要求;
- Be in compliance with Selective Service registration requirements;
- 达到学业成绩标准;
- Be in good standing on all student loans or other financial aid programs;
- Be in compliance with the Georgia Drug-Free Postsecondary Education Act of 1990;
- 没有超过任何HOPE计划的最高奖励限额;
- Regardless of the number of HOPE Grant Paid-Hours or Combined-Paid Hours a student has accumulated, such student is ineligible for HOPE Grant payment if he or she has attained a Baccalaureate Degree, 在任何时候, 从任何高等教育机构, including the equivalent of a Baccalaureate Degree from a foreign institution as indicated by the foreign academic transcript and/or foreign academic transcript translation.
Full-time enrollment in a certificate or diploma program is not required and students are not required to graduate from high school with a specific GPA, 然而, 他们必须有大专以上学历.GPA为0,在某些检查点,以保持资格.
来源: http://www.gafutures.org/hope-state-aid-programs/hope-zell-miller-grants/hope-grant/eligibility/